In order to protect the personal data of callers, we do not store the telephone numbers of conference call participants in full.
However, you can activate the “detailed statistics”. We will then display the complete telephone numbers.

Data protection - So you can see the full phone numbers of the conference call participants

Where are the caller’s telephone numbers displayed?

  • Your statistics in the room overview (for 7 days)
  • In web control (only during the conference)
  • In the statistics e-mail (until you delete the e-mail)

You will only see the complete telephone numbers of the subscribers if you have activated “Detailed statistics”.

Your statistics

In the room overview on, select the item Logs -> Statistics.

Here you can see the conferences of the last few days. Click on the symbol in the “Show statistics” column.
You can see which caller entered the conference at what time and at what time the conference was left.
The telephone numbers of the participants are also displayed.

Web Control

With the web control, you can mute participants during the conference call or see “hand signals” from the participants.

Web control of the conference call

Statistics by e-mail

If you are logged in to, you can activate the receipt of statistics e-mails under “My account”, “User data”, “E-mail settings”. You will then receive an e-mail after each conference in which all connections to the conference are listed with the time and phone number.

Complete telephone numbers with detailed statistics

Would you like the complete telephone numbers of your participants?

It’s very simple! This is how you can activate the detailed statistics in the room settings

Complete phone numbers are displayed in the conference call.
You can activate the detailed statistics in the room box. Complete phone numbers are then displayed.
  1. Visit us at
  2. Click on “Log in” at the top right.
  3. Your e-mail address for this can be found on every invoice from us.
  4. If you do not know your password, please use the “Forgot password” function.
    We do not know your password.
  5. You are now in the room overview (“My rooms”).
  6. You can activate the “Detailed statistics” option here.
  7. Confirm the responsible handling of the data.

Retroactive completion not possible

Please note: We can only record the complete telephone numbers if you have made the setting. It is not possible to complete the phone numbers retrospectively.

Further information on the talkyoo conference call

3 minutes