In an increasingly networked and globalized working world, successful conference calls are an indispensable tool for communication. Whether working from home, in a hybrid working model or on international projects, successful conference calls are crucial for the efficiency and success of teams. In 2024, some best practices have emerged that can help you make your conference calls more productive and enjoyable. Here are the top five tips you should know.

1. clearly defined agenda and objectives

A well-structured agenda is the backbone of every successful conference call. Make sure that all participants know the agenda items in advance.

This allows everyone to prepare well and keeps the meeting focused. Make sure that the agenda is realistic and does not contain too many topics.

A clear objective at the beginning of the conference helps to set the direction and achieve the desired result.

A successful conference call.
Person checks a digitally created agenda in a notebook, with clearly defined agenda items for a successful conference call.
A laptop can be seen in the background, standing on a modern, tidy desk.
Every successful conference call has a well-structured agenda as its foundation. Clear agenda items help to keep the meeting focused and targeted.

Practical tip: Send out the agenda at least 24 hours in advance and ask participants for feedback or additions. This will ensure that all relevant topics are covered.

2. technical preparation and backup plans

Technology is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in conference calls. Before starting the conference, make sure that all technical aspects are working – from the telephone connection to the conference software used. Stable internet access is particularly important, especially for video conference calls. Define backup plans in case of technical problems, such as alternative dial-in options or switching to another tool.

Practical tip: Carry out a brief technical check 10 minutes before the start of the conference to identify and rectify any problems at an early stage.

3. efficient moderation and time management

Good moderation is the key to a structured and productive conference call. The moderator should ensure that all participants have their say and that the meeting stays on track. It is important to keep an eye on discussions and, if necessary, interrupt politely if the topic digresses or time is running out.

Practical tip: Use a stopwatch or timer to keep an eye on the time and plan buffer times for unforeseen discussions.

4. clear communication and commitment of the participants

A conference call can easily come across as impersonal. It is therefore important to promote clear and concise communication. Encourage participants to actively contribute and express their opinions and ideas. Ask open questions and take regular breaks to create space for feedback. Non-verbal signals such as a friendly tone of voice and targeted questions also contribute to a positive discussion atmosphere.

Practical tip: Start the conference with a short round of introductions or casual small talk to break the ice and create a positive atmosphere.

5. record and track results

Recording results and to-dos is crucial to ensure that the topics discussed are actually implemented. After the successful conference call, send a summary of the most important points and tasks to all participants. This keeps the conversation fresh in everyone’s mind and everyone involved knows what is expected of them.

Practical tip: Use a tool for collaborative document editing, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Teams, to create minutes in real time and share them directly with participants.

Conclusion: Successful conference calls require planning and commitment

Successful conference calls are not a matter of chance, but the result of careful planning, technical preparation and clear communication. By following these five tips, you can ensure that your meetings are productive and your objectives are met. Remember that follow-up is just as important as preparation – it’s the only way to ensure that the points discussed are remembered and acted upon.

Book tip:

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